Tuesday, March 17, 2020

2020 Spring Season Updates for AWHS

Spring Season Updates
17 March 2020

Good Morning!

We wanted to get some info out to you about the upcoming spring season and answer some of the questions you may have.

Here is one of my favorite quotes by Jon Gordon:

Fear and faith have one thing in common- they both believe in a future that hasn’t happened. Fear believes in a negative future. Faith believes in a positive future. If neither has happened yet why don’t we choose to believe in a positive future?

I believe in a positive future. Here is what we know about the spring season; The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) has stayed on top of the situation and made proactive decisions in this trying time and fluid situation. They heeded the advice of our State and Federal leaders, listened to the membership (our school is a member of the MIAA) and made some difficult but necessary decisions.

We are scheduled to begin the season on Monday the 27th of April and end on June 20th. I know this seems like its a long time away, but it is for all the right reasons. The MIAA is meeting again this week to determine what the season will look like; Number of games we can play, when games can start (how many practices we will need to have before the first official game), what the tournament will look like and all of the items associated with a "shortened" season..etc.

What can we do? 

Follow the guidelines "Coronavirus Guidelines"
Encourage our students to complete the schoolwork via our remote learning sessions and treat as if they were in school
If the weather is good, athletes should go outside and practice, there are so many things they can do on your own (after school work is done)
Stay positive and know that we are all in this together

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know and please be safe!


Coach McClay

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